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What Is Laser Hair Removal?

The Benefits of HydraFacial Treatments 

Understanding Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure in which the hair follicles are damaged using highly concentrated light, which stops the growth of new hair. Many people have chosen to undergo laser hair removal to get rid of their unwanted hair rather than to continue shaving or waxing. The amount of treatments needed depends on the area that is being treated, but most areas will need anywhere from 3-6 treatments, if not more. Learn more about laser hair removal with the experts at Athena Wellness Center!

Where Can You Get Laser Hair Removal?

Both men and women can receive laser hair removal. Common areas include the underarms, legs, lip, chin, brazilian and bikini line, shoulders, and back. 

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

Laser hair removal is typically a painless process, however, every patient is different. Individuals with more sensitive skin may experience more pain, but numbing cream may be used to help mitigate it. Side effects of laser hair removal may include redness, hyperpigmentation, blisters, and swelling. Those with sensitive skin should consult with a doctor to determine if they are a good candidate for hair removal. 

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

Pricing differs on what part of the body is receiving treatment and how large the area is. The average cost of laser hair removal, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, is around $285 per session. 

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

There are many benefits to removing unwanted hair with laser hair removal. You will save both time and money by making the switch. Say goodbye to waxing appointments and taking time to shave every couple of days. Laser hair removal is a very quick procedure, allowing you to see where the rest of the day takes you! Another great benefit of removing your unwanted hair is preventing ingrown hairs and razor rash, both which can be irritating and frustrating. 

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Before undergoing laser hair removal, it is important to be prepared. Avoid sun exposure and use of self-tanning products for at least 6 weeks before your scheduled appointment. Blood thinners should not be taken days before your session and the area being treated must be shaved 24 hours prior to the procedure. 

Cutera™ CoolGlide® Laser

At Athena Wellness Center, we are proud to offer our clients laser hair removal using Cutera™ CoolGlide® Laser. The CoolGlide® Laser delivers 21st century technology for treatment of this distressing problem. Cleared for permanent hair reduction, the CoolGlide® Laser can treat men and women of all skin types and tones safely and effectively. As the name implies, the CoolGlide® handpiece cools and soothes as it glides along your skin. When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. To learn more about CoolGlide® Laser, click here!

Contact Athena Wellness Center to Schedule Laser Hair Removal

If you are interested in learning more about laser hair removal or are ready to schedule your free consultation with us, contact us today! It’s time to make facial and body hair a thing of the past without painful waxing, electrolysis or razors! Be sure to check out our other laser treatments, which include laser skin rejuvenation, laser for nail fungus and warts, laser vein therapy, and photofacials. Athena Wellness Center looks forward to helping you achieve your health goals.

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