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5 Fat-Burning Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

For years, this myth of “eating less and working out more” has been the mantra of weight loss. However, this idea has begun to change, because we have learned that it isn’t just the calories you are consuming, but the types of foods you are consuming. A while ago, we posted an article discussing this idea on Facebook, and it is just as relevant now as it was then. Staying on top of your nutrition is the most important part of weight loss. Whenever you are eating, you need to consider consuming more complex carbohydrates and leaner proteins. We created a list of foods that you need to be consuming more in your diet.

Whole Grains

Blog (15)Leave that white bread in the supermarket. You need to find complex carbohydrates instead of the simple carbohydrates that are found in processed foods. Your body needs to work harder in order to digest whole grains, versus processed carbohydrates which have already been broken down. Whole grains are important for your diet, these include:

  • Barley
  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Bulgur (cracked wheat)
  • Millet
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Wild rice

Adding whole grains to your diet could be as simple as choosing brown rice over white rice. Try making a healthy and easy Overnight Oats recipe. It will keep you full all day, and keep you from eating unhealthy foods later on in the day.

Lean Proteins

Basically, you need to be sticking to fish, chicken, and pork loin. Proteins have a “high thermogenic effect” which basically means that about you burn about 30% of the calories as you consume it. So, if you eat a chicken breast that is 300 calories, you will burn about 90 calories, just by digesting it.

Pro Tip: Spicy food also boosts your metabolism, so spice up your meats with cayenne pepper, jalapenos, or (if you’re brave) habaneros. This will up the flavor of your meat, and will help you lose more weight.


These little beans are packed with protein and iron. Many of us are iron deficient, especially when we give up red meats. Because we are not getting all the nutrients that we need, our metabolism slows. Lentils are a lean protein that reintroduces the nutrients that we need more of in our diets.

Low-Fat Dairy

We know that we need to stay away from ice cream, fatty cheeses, and whole milk, but we do need dairy in our diets. Low-fat dairy products give us calcium and vitamin D. It also boosts your metabolism to help you lose weight. Stick to low-fat cottage cheese, greek yogurt (plain with fresh fruit is always a treat), skim milk, and lower fat cheeses.

Green Tea

We know that summer is the season of sweet tea. Every season is the season of sweet tea. However, just remember that sweet tea is sweet because of simple sugars. Instead of consuming those large glasses of sweet tea, swap it out for unsweetened iced green tea. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking 4 cups of green tea every day helped some individuals lose about 6 pounds in 8 weeks.

Nutrition is the best way to boost your metabolism. Discuss your diet and your goals with a weight loss doctor, they can help you make changes in your diet to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients that you need and that you are on the best weight loss program. Weight loss is possible, just make sure that you have a good support system to ensure that you are eating right, and keep on top of that exercise plan.


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